Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Legendary Ponta da Pirabura, Shipwreck of the Príncipe de Astúrias, and Other Stories


The Príncipe de Astúrias fatally damages the ship's hull on the rocks of Ponta da Pirabura; the sinking occurs in less than 5 minutes.

The Curse of Ponta da Pirabura

The Tupis who inhabited Ilhabela were skilled navigators and already knew the mysteries surrounding the dangerous Ponta da Pirabura. It is not known for sure why it is called that name - in Old Tupi, "pira" means fish, and "bura" bubbling, the word 'y-bura means bubbling water, water that springs upwards.

Ponta da Pirabura and Praia da Caveira

Therefore, the name Pirabura could be related to phenomena where fish are thrown out of the water during wave breaks, possibly due to bubbles or water agitation, suggesting a direct connection between the indigenous name and the natural characteristics of the location.

Local residents of the island said that only one ship defied Pirabura and emerged unscathed, it was the British ship Western World in 1931, "we have lost count of how many ships have sunk in that place, where the water is deep and the tide has an enormous force, first it was an English ship, then the Astúrias, the Conca...".


It's not just Ponta da Pirabura that has its mysteries; the entire island is a great enigma. Ilhabela already had its cases reported even before the arrival of the colonizers. The first reference we have is how the Tupi called it – Maenbipe, the name itself is a mystery.

In Hans Staden van Homborg's Beschrijvinghe van America, it reads: "I went thus alone, and no one paid attention to me, and I could have easily escaped from the rope, for I was on an island called Mayenbipe/' which is about 10 miles away from Brikioka, but later because of the captured Christians, of whom there were still four alive, for I thought, if I escape, they would be angry"(Ich ginch fo alleen/ende niemant en achte opmp/ ende hadde die repse kwel honnen ontloopen/want ich was op een Eplandt Mayenbipe genaemt/'r welchon trent ro. Mijlen meeglis ban Brikioka is/ maer lieter om de ghevangen Christenen wille/ban ben welchen noch vier levendigh waeren/want ich dacht/ontloope ick paer/so wozdenie toornigh).

In the text of Hans Staden's book, Ilhabela, or Maenbipe, is mentioned

Brikioka was how the Tupi called the stretch that went from Bertioga to São Sebastião (mbyriky-oka, stronghold of the muriquis, large and white monkeys that live in the region). However, Maenbipe doesn't make much sense with any word from the Old Tupi, perhaps ... (E)ma'ẽ-e'ymumẽ, which in Tupi means "Do not stop looking (at me)". There's really no way not to look at that beauty in the middle of the ocean.

Perhaps Maembipe is what linguists call a "dialect continuum," in which various related languages and dialects, where two neighboring regions spoke very similar languages, and distant ones spoke more differently. 

The translation that I like most is Mbaembype, from (Mba'e) “something”, (mbype) “thing tha is close”, referring to the island that is so close that you can swim to it, something I have already done sometimes when young.

Without taking Tupi phonetics into consideration, some scholars say that the name has the meaning of “mountain that appears in the canal”, or “place for exchanging prisoners”, which makes a lot of sense because in the tradition of war between Tupi speakers (Tupi versus Tupinambá) Ilhabela (or Maenbipe) would be a neutral place, like Casablanca of the Tupi.

Shipwreck of the Príncipe de Astúrias

The Príncipe de Astúrias was a passenger liner built by Pinillos Izquierdo y Cia., It was the largest and most luxurious ship built in Spain in 1914, had a twin brother, the Infanta Isabel, both had a length of 150.8 meters, double hull, 19.1 meter beam, and 9.6m draft, with a Quadruple Expansion Engine steam engine of 8000 hp, displacing 16,500 gross tons, reaching a speed of 18 knots (33 km/h). Launched on April 30, 1915, it used to depart from Barcelona every February 17, 1916 bound for Buenos Aires.
Diagram of the Prince of Asturias in Section

It is important to note that the world was facing its Second World War, although German submarines were attacking ships in the Atlantic Ocean, they were not involved in this case.

Final Celebration: Foliões (carnival revelers) having fun on the central staircase of the Príncipe de Astúrias during a lively carnival ball, unaware that within hours the ship would collide with the rocks of Pirabura and sink, marking the tragic end for many lives.

The Príncipe de Astúrias was on its sixth voyage to South America, it had already passed the coast of Rio de Janeiro and on Saturday, March 4th, it was approaching Ilhabela, a carnival ball was animating the passengers inside the ship while a strong storm battered the outside. Rough waters churned the waves, lightning illuminated the skies, during the passage from Saturday to Carnival Sunday, March 5, 1916.

In green the original route that the ship should folow and altered rout in red 

According to some reports, the ship mysteriously changed course, circumventing Búzios Island, and stopped in the early hours of the morning to unload a mysterious cargo onto another ship amidst the storm.

The sinking of the Príncipe de Astúrias occurred in less than 5 minutes after colliding with the rocks of Ponta da Pirabura; the crew only managed to release lifeboat number 18, and 17 people immediately jumped into it.

Continuing the journey, the ship passed by Ponta da Pirabura at a speed of 4 knots (the lighthouse we see today was only installed in 1932). Like in the movie Titanic, First Officer Rufino y Ouzain Urtiaga asked "is it land?" upon sighting the rocks at 04:02 hs.

Captain José Lotina was not on the bridge at the time of the incident; First Officer Rufino ordered the helmsman, Antonio Salazar Linas, to run to the telegraph (engine room telegraph - a lever with various positions, which by a system of cables and bells, signaled the engine room what to do), and give instructions to the engine room:

"All astern, ...full left" (another way of saying "port", the left side of the ship, with the right side, where the rocks were called "starboard"), but there was not enough time to maneuver the ship away from the rocks, which were precisely hit at 04:08 hs.

Upon hitting the ledge, a deep gash of approximately 40 meters was made in the ship's hull, immediately flooding the lower decks.

With flooding in the engine room, the boiler exploded, causing a fire. Finally, the ship sank in just 5 minutes.

The crew only managed to release lifeboat number 18, and 17 people immediately jumped into it.

Even with only one dinghy in the water, brave sailors left survivors on the rocks of Pirabura, in a stretch where the waves were calmer, and returned several times to rescue more survivors; many died in the scalding waters of the boiler spreading through the sea, saving only those who quickly moved away to the high seas, as reported by Jeannis Michail Platon in his book "Ilhabela Seus Enigmas" from 2006.

Among the heroes stands out Doña Marina Vidal, a 26-year-old Spanish woman, who despite having asthma, swam all night and saved 4 people, including the only Brazilian aboard, Mr. José Marins Viana.

In the end, only 111 passengers were saved from the 588 officially registered aboard in their official count, but there are reports that in addition to these, there were more than 800 stowaways, fugitives from the war ravaging Europe, not to mention the stokers and coalers who were not listed as part of the crew.

The next day, the closest ship that received the distress calls, the French steamer Vega, from Societé General de Transportes Maritimes, arrived at the scene of the disaster. Its captain, Augusto Poli, ordered the entire crew to participate in the rescue effort, which lasted all Sunday.

Mirror of Principe de Asturias Ilhabela Museum

Officially, 477 people died and their bodies were retrieved and taken to the Saboó morgue, in Santos, but some claim that the total number of dead was much higher, as it is believed that around 800 stowaways were hiding on the lower decks. A few days later, unburied copros began to appear on Toninhas beach in Ubatuba.

A task force was sent to rescue bodies that appeared on the entire east coast of the island and buried them in several points, including Praia da Serraria and Praia da Caveira.

Among the valuable cargo, Asturias had in its cargo shipment 40 million pounds sterling in gold bars, belonging to the British government, in a safe recently installed on the ship, works of art, among them the bronze sculpture "La Carta Magna Y Las Cuatro Regiones Argentina", bound for Argentina.

There are conflicting reports about the fate of the Captain and his first officer, some say they committed suicide by shooting themselves in the temple, there is a code of nautical pride when commanders realize they have made mistakes that make sinking imminent. Others, however, claim that there was a transfer of cargo to a smaller ship, which was seen by some survivors close to the ship that night, perhaps to lighten the load in light of the perceived error, or even because they were involved in some type of criminal action, and fled with the fruits of the robbery, a very plausible situation since the gold in the safes was never found.

Salvage of the Prince of Assturias

The quest for the sunken treasure of the Prince of Asturias has always captured people's imagination, but the sea, with its limited visibility, depth of 30 meters requiring decompression, and strong currents, made diving work highly technical and extremely challenging.

Since the shipwreck, several salvage missions (the name given to the rescue of valuables from disasters) have been carried out, but it wasn't until the 1940s that they began to be conducted in partnership with the Brazilian Navy.

The first famous expedition to attempt the salvage of the wreck took place in July 1951, funded by the Fialdini brothers aboard the tugboat São Bento.

The dives with diving helmets were only sufficient for the rescue of lead ingots and part of the bronze propeller.

Diving legend Werner Krauss in his 1950s diving suit

In 1955, it was the turn of businessman Adolpho Melchert de Barros, who hired diving legend Werner Krauss; the investment was so significant that even a cable car was built to transport rescued pieces.

Krauss's first foray was on April 11, 1955, and it was the most fruitful series of dives, yielding tin ingots, kitchenware like plates and cutlery, and even a doll's head. Unfortunately, the excessive use of dynamite caused significant damage to the ship's structure, compromising potential works of art and china. To give an idea, it took 100 sticks of dynamite just to remove the propeller from the structure.

In 1974, the third phase of dives was launched, with Jeannis Michail Platon leading the way, with much larger investment than all the others. To give an idea, they even brought in the research vessel Stena Constructor, famous for being used in the Challenger rescue.

But the fact is there was no treasure! The gold and other valuable pieces were never found, at least not officially.

Location of the Wreckage of the Príncipe de Astúrias

It is quite possible that some valuables were found by a Greek named Wlazios Diamantaraz, who made several dives at Ponta da Pirabura and at some point disappeared.

Locals also report the efforts of a man nicknamed "the Gringo", who guided by a spiritual guide, made several dives in the region, some of them sponsored by a Portuguese entrepreneur. In the end, when the Portuguese came to collect the fruits of his dives, he said that "the spiritual guide had made a mistake" and also disappeared.

In the official missions, only two of the four statues were rescued - one is now on Ilha das Cobras and the other in Parque Palermo, Buenos Aires.

The twisted forks found in wrecks of old steamships can be attributed to contact with scalding water from the boiler. The extreme heat could easily deform and twist metal utensils, especially if they were exposed for an extended period during the wreck. This explanation appears to be one of the most probable reasons for the phenomenon. - Ilhabela Museum

Recently, the wreckage of the ship was dynamited 15 to 30 meters to open passage for ships in the region.

Praia da Caveira - 'Skull Beach'

In the first days after the shipwreck, several bodies arrived on the east side beaches of the island, mainly in Bahia dos Castelhanos, including Praia da Caveira, 5km from the accident.

Skulls found on the Praia da Caveira "Skull Beach" in Ilhabela

Praia da Caveira, known as the only deserted beach in Ilhabela, is closely linked to the tragic shipwreck of the transatlantic Príncipe das Astúrias. Local legends claim that the souls of the shipwrecked still haunt the beach, keeping visitors away and contributing to its loneliness.

Curiously, the name Praia da Caveira was already known before the shipwreck by this name, as noted on various maps preceding the shipwreck. One legend says that a slave ship, passing behind the island, sank; all the crew, slaves, died, and their bodies floated. A priest passing by boat through the area saw the bodies and buried them under a huge fig tree, whereupon the islanders claim that, at six o'clock in the evening, when passing near that fig tree, they hear "voices of the deceased".

Despite its grim reputation, its clear waters attract divers who practice spearfishing. Moreover, it has approximately 300 meters of sandy beaches that guarantee its paradisiacal aspect.

To this day, there are many legends about Ponta da Pirabura, including the belief in an unknown magnetic force in the region that disorients compasses and sinks ships, known as the 'Magnetic Deviation'. The head of the Port Captaincy of Santos at the time defended Captain Lotina, stating that the French steamer 'Vega' also ended up between Ilhabela and Buzios Island when the normal route should have passed 15 miles east of the islands, in the safety of the open sea.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Solana Star, Verão da Lata (summercan), coast of São Paulo and Rio from 1987 to 1988

This is the true story of a ship that, threatened by the police, dumps 22 tons of cans containing marijuana on the Brazilian coast in Ubatuba, near the beaches Grande, do Tenório, and das Toninhas, and ends up sounding like a fisherman's tale or even a surfer's story.

They say Brazil is the place where everything happens... and it's true.

It all started in August 1987, when the Federal Police delegate Antônio Carlos Rayol and Carlos Mandim de Oliveira received a communication from the American DEA, the Drug Enforcement Administration, informing them that a ship that had departed from Singapore, the Panamanian-flagged Solana Star, was carrying a large shipment of marijuana destined for Brazil, with its final destination being Miami. It was 22 tons of marijuana vacuum-packed in 1.5kg cans.

The mastermind behind the operation was a criminal from Aspen, Colorado, who had sponsored another trip before this one, departing from Panama and heading to the Philippines via Vietnam, with a shipment of narcotics bound for Los Angeles.

Since the ship was not captured, the operation had been successful and very profitable. The mastermind ordered a second trip, commanded by the same captain named Archibald, who would take a new route this time.

A new boat was commissioned in Australia, a tuna boat named Solana Star measuring 41m x 7m x 3m, capable of displacing 540 tons, with a diesel engine of 1,500 HP and two 350 HP auxiliaries. He sailed with his new boat to Bangkok, via Japan, where he loaded the merchandise, marijuana packaged in grapefruit juice cans, from a front company called "Berri," created especially for the operation.

Once loaded with the cans, he headed south, through the South China Sea, bound for Rio de Janeiro.

Berri Grapefruit Juice - fictitious brand of the cans from the summer of 1987

Hunt for the Solana Star and Can Hunt Operation

On August 8, 1987, at 10:00 a.m., the first hunting mission set sail from the port of Rio de Janeiro, aboard a frigate of the Brazilian Navy in partnership with the DEA. The operation was not successful because the ship had not yet reached Brazilian territorial waters; it was in the middle of the Atlantic due to two storms that hit the ship in the middle of the Atlantic.

New developments led to a new hunting operation, due to the arrest in Miami of the drug lord as he attempted to board a flight to Rio de Janeiro. DEA intelligence indicated that the merchandise should be transferred to another vessel off the coast of Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro.

Once again, Delegate Mandim organized a police operation on August 28, 1987. This time, they used the destroyer Sergipe, lent by the Brazilian Navy. Again, the operation was unsuccessful.

How did those cans end up on the beaches?

The most interesting outcome emerged with a report from A Tribuna de Santos on September 19, 1987, saying that in Guarujá, a street sweeper collecting garbage on Astúrias Beach came across a large closed can, moving back and forth in the foam of the waves. Other cans began to be found by fishermen on the coast of Guarjuá, Ubatuba, and Ilha Bela; later, carried by the tide, they began to arrive in Rio de Janeiro as well. Immediately, a clandestine trade of the cans and their contents began, promoted mainly by fishermen who hid the cans in styrofoam boxes full of fish, a much more profitable contravention than fishing.

On September 14, the crew of the Solano Star was informed that the Federal Police, the Brazilian Navy, and the DEA were already aware of the marijuana cargo on board. Afraid of being arrested, the crew – five Americans, one Haitian, and one Costa Rican – dumped the approximately 15,000 cans containing marijuana into the sea, and the episode became known as the "Summer of the Can," marked in Brazilian history.

Solana Star crew tossing marijuana cans into the sea

The story gained media attention and caused a race between the curious and the authorities to see who would find them first. The fact that the marijuana was packaged in metal cans similar to powdered milk made the situation even more unusual.

Solana Star dumping the cans into the sea

Soon, the situation became very popular and comedic. Some said the can, much like what happened with the sailor Popeye, changed reality, bringing special powers to those who consumed it. Others said that what was contained in the cans was considered of superior quality to anything ever seen before. The story became so memorable that it inspired books, songs, and even a mystique on the subject, in which feats were performed with a ritual of opening cans in honor of the product's quality.

Despite the efforts of the authorities to seize the cans and investigate the case, only a small fraction was recovered by the police, as the vast majority was found by bathers and fishermen and subsequently commercialized.

Federal Police managed to recover 3,292 cans. If the final product had reached the traffickers in Miami, it is estimated that the operation would have yielded US$90 million.


Of the seven crew members, six escaped through Galeão Airport two days after arriving in Rio. Only the American cook Stephen Skelton was arrested and sentenced to 20 years in prison but served only one year in Brazil before being extradited. The ship involved in the incident was seized and later auctioned off; the Solana Star was eventually sold after the conclusion of the investigation into the marijuana smuggling case. Its name was changed to Charles Henri and, finally, Tunamar II when it belonged to a Japanese tuna fishing company.

American cooker Stephen Skelton was arrested

Strangely, the fate of the vessel was intertwined with Brazilian waters. On October 1994, it met its tragic end, sinking 8 nautical miles off Arraial do Cabo, on the coast of Rio de Janeiro (22º59'240"S / 41º57'250"W), resulting in the death of 11 crew members.

In 2012, the book "O Verão da Lata: Um verão que ninguém esqueceu" ("The Summer of the Can: A summer no one forgot"), by the writer Wilson Aquino, was released, addressing the subject.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Prospenomics and Its Impact on World Peace

Positing that post-scarcity is a true catalyst for global pacification, prospenomics is based on the premise that overcoming resource limitations will instill "behavioral plasticity" in humanity, diminishing biological and evolutionary instincts for human conflict. This creates a conducive environment for international cooperation and the promotion of peace and prosperity.

leia esta matéria em Portuuês

Acknowledging our biological heritage, we understand that clan formation generates a "us against them" dynamic – Thomas Hobbes' bellum omnium contra omnes. Hobbes' political philosophy, encapsulated in the expression "war of all against all," is deeply rooted in the belief that humans possess a bellicose and conflict-prone nature. In his seminal work "Leviathan," Hobbes describes a state of nature where the absence of a centralizing power leads to fierce competition, with each individual pursuing their interests at the expense of others.

LIFE magazine whose cover story is the Prospenomics study - covers that never was

The metaphor of "Leviathan," a monstrous figure mentioned in the Bible, represents the need for a powerful and centralized force to subdue the conflict-prone nature of humans. To avoid the chaos and anarchy inherent in the war of all against all, the emergence of a sovereign authority stronger and capable of imposing order on individuals is imperative.

Hobbes' conception is intrinsically linked to the idea of the "social contract." He proposes that, to escape the chaotic state of nature, individuals tacitly agree to relinquish part of their freedom and power to a central authority in exchange for security and social order. This agreement forms the basis of the social contract, wherein citizens give up certain rights in favor of a sovereign authority, creating a pact aimed at maintaining peace and social stability.

Poster for the film Leviathan, by Thomas Hobbes - ads for films that never was

Hobbes' "Leviathan" is not only a feared figure but also a social organizing agent representing the authority of the State. Its coercive power is necessary to keep the selfish and belligerent impulses of individuals in check. Could this force be rooted in our own consciousness?

The First Time We Saved the Planet

The ozone layer, a thin and crucial atmospheric structure formed over ancient eras, shaped by the delicate balance of life since the planet's creation, plays a vital role in absorbing most harmful ultraviolet radiation, protecting life on Earth. Without this thin protective layer, life would be impossible on Earth.

However, the balance of this delicate shield was threatened when, in the 1950s, scientists discovered a class of substances – chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) – being artificially generated and released by humans. Widely used in consumer products such as aerosols, refrigerants in refrigerators, and air conditioning systems.

In the 1970s, two scientists from the University of California Irvine, Mario Molina and Sherwood Rowland, asked, "What happens to gas particles released into the atmosphere after leaking from air conditioners?" and "What will happen to the enormous amount of gases released by rockets at the beginning of the space exploration era?"

Molina, in particular, questioned the fate of freon particles released into the atmosphere and their impact on the ozone layer when he made a terrifying discovery – the ozone layer providing protection against harmful ultraviolet radiation was being decimated by CFCs.

This led to global awareness of the damage caused by CFCs and triggered an unprecedented mobilization campaign. The realization that the destruction of the ozone layer could result in a global catastrophe, endangering life on Earth, transcending borders and cultural differences, propelled international cooperation.

In 1987, the global community took a significant step with the signing of the Montreal Protocol, not only signed but also faithfully adhered to by all human inhabitants of the planet, regardless of their race, culture, and political orientation.

This international agreement aimed to gradually reduce and eliminate the use of substances that destroy the ozone layer, including CFCs. The mobilization to reverse the damage to the ozone layer became a global priority, with the unprecedented participation of virtually all countries in the world.

The successful social mobilization campaign resulted in the gradual elimination of CFCs, a remarkable story of how awareness, collective action, and international cooperation can tackle the most complex and significant challenges.

How Will We Mobilize for Prosperity in Such a Divided World

Samuel Huntington's book "Clash of Civilizations" highlights the profound division existing in the world, fueled by civilizational conflicts that separate us from each other. This fragmentation not only threatens our lives but also jeopardizes life as a whole on the planet. Faced with this scenario, the crucial question arises: How will we mobilize to achieve prosperity in such a divided world?

Primatologist Robert Sapolsky, providing an in-depth view of human social dynamics, emphasizes that human conflicts have roots in biological factors, such as brain chemistry and hormonal patterns. He identifies four social reasons for belligerence: competition for resources, group selection, establishment of social hierarchy, and reproductive rituals. This thorough analysis reveals the underlying forces of human conflicts, providing crucial insights.

Sapolsky highlights the plasticity of human behavior, emphasizing that, although there are biological predispositions to aggression, the environment and life experiences play crucial roles in the manifestation of these predispositions. In other words, the more a man lives in a prosperous environment, with adequate food, territory and protection from the elements, with a resolved and active sexual life, among trusted friends and a healthy social life, he is able to eliminate all primatological impulses of aggression, part of your original biological programming.

This complex understanding reinforces the need for a holistic approach to dealing with issues of conflict and cooperation, considering multiple factors.

As we become aware of these weaknesses, similar to the successful social mobilization against the use of CFCs, we can pave the way for global prosperity. Recognizing and understanding the biological roots of human conflicts empowers us to develop strategies that promote global cooperation, overcoming divisions, and building a more prosperous future for all of humanity.

But as We Become Aware of Our Nature, We Must Adopt Prospenomic Attitudes and Reach the Post-Scarcity Stage

As our awareness of our nature deepens, it becomes evident that mere consciousness of our bellum omnium contra omnes posture is not enough; it is essential to adopt prospenomic attitudes and reach the post-scarcity stage.

Prospenomics, grounded in the premise that overcoming resource limitations catalyzes global pacification, combined with the plasticity of behavior in the face of awareness of our belligerence, reducing biological and evolutionary instincts that lead to conflicts and wars, this approach not only provides a conducive environment for international cooperation but also promotes feelings of peace and prosperity.

Samuel Huntington, in his book "Clash of Civilizations," points out that the rapid economic development in Southwest Asia in the 1990s initially brought optimism to the world, aligning with the idea that on a planet with more efficient resource use, the likelihood of achieving peace and prosperity increases, and the feeling of animosity and belligerence decreases.

OMNI magazine whose cover story is the Prospenomics study - covers that never was

However, regrettably, the book indicates that this optimistic expectation did not materialize as expected. The reason for this outcome is related to social reasons intrinsic to our human nature, as discussed by Huntington in his work.

Towards Post-Scarcity and Planetary Prosperity

Analyzing the economic mistakes that brought us to the current situation and correcting our attitudes toward a more prosperous planet is what we must do.

Avoiding the mistakes of liberalism, which fails to distribute wealth, and socialism, which falters in generating wealth to be shared, puts us on the path to a more prosperous and equitable planet.

Valuing and respecting civilizations for what they are, encouraging peaceful coexistence towards planetary prosperity, plays well into the role earned by Homo sapiens as the protagonist of the planet, responsible for the well-being of Earth and all species in balance, ensuring a full and healthy planetary evolution. This is our role.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Error Free Red Bull Branding

Luiz Pagano at the Red Bull Global Headquarters in Fuschl am See, Austria - ft business prs

Red Bull's branding was so well-crafted that it seems to have been created with the help of a crystal ball.

In the early days here in Brazil, I was part of the team responsible for the successful introduction of Red Bull into the market, serving as the first on-premise manager, overseeing establishments such as bars, clubs, and restaurants where beverages are acquired and consumed on-site. At that time, the energy drink market was already well-developed, with significant investments from brands like Flash Power, a company I had worked with from 1997 to 1999 as part of an outsourced team, and Flying Horse.

Facing intense competition, our challenge was to create an introduction strategy in the Brazilian market as creative and powerful as those developed in Austria for the brand's creation. At that time, Red Bull's distribution in Brazil was coordinated by the Madasa company, which held the distribution contract, while Red Bull itself managed marketing strategies.

One of the first Red Bull Vending Machines april, 1999

In April 1999, we traveled to Austria with a team of over 40 employees for marketing training. 

Brazil was a highly valuable market, and the transmission of strategies could not afford deviations like those that occur in the "Chinese whispers" game.

Our goal was not only to introduce the brand but also to ensure a lasting competitive advantage in a highly competitive market. This mission demanded creativity, innovation, and a deep understanding of the local market, resulting in the solid establishment of Red Bull in Brazil, a trajectory that continues successfully to this day. 

The creation and distribution of high-quality content are also key elements of Red Bull's marketing strategy, including press releases, formal news, customer stories, and later, with the advent of more sophisticated social media from 2000 to 2010, blogs and YouTube channels with thousands of videos, further strengthening the connection with its target audience.

Founded in 1987 in Austria, Red Bull quickly became the creator and leading company in the energy drink market, boosting the brand's value through brilliant marketing strategies, reaching an impressive global market share of 38% in 2020 (which was once over 80% in the early 2000s). The company adopted various tactics to achieve this success.

Red Bull's marketing strategy is multifaceted and begins with an inspiring and memorable slogan, "Red Bull gives you wings" (Red Bull verleiht Flügel), created in 1997 and maintained since then.

Encouraging the practice of extreme sports as part of the experience and team formation. Luiz Pagano and the Brazilian introduction team , April 1999. ft business prs

In the late 1980s, surveys indicated that the image of the two bulls confronting each other in the logo was perceived as excessively intense. Faced with this perception, the brand's strategy evolved ingeniously, introducing a self-ironic character in animated advertising films. This character not only brought balance to the intensity of the previous image but also injected a dose of grace and humor, aligning more effectively with the audience's preferences and consolidating the brand's uniqueness. These creative strategies contributed to the brand's uniqueness, and despite facing some legal challenges throughout its history, the consistency in using this slogan strengthened the marketing strategy over time.

Furthermore, Red Bull heavily invested in extreme sports sponsorships, requiring courage, physical, and mental fitness - attributes of the brand. This culminated in the Stratos event in 2012, where Felix Baumgartner parachuted from the edge of space. These events not only broke world records but also boosted company sales.

The innovative and humorous advertising approach, initiated in 2000 with distinctive videos, solidified the brand's identity. Red Bull also excelled in using Guerrilla Marketing, such as the strategy of free drink distribution on university campuses.

Additionally, Red Bull built a strong and consistent brand around the slogan "Red Bull gives you wings," effectively directing its message to young men seeking adventures. The company utilizes word-of-mouth marketing, leveraging extreme sports events to reach millions of viewers and enhance the effectiveness of this form of advertising.

Red Bull Professional Training Center in Austria, April 1999 - ft business prs

In summary, Red Bull adopted a comprehensive marketing strategy, combining quality content, extreme sports sponsorships, guerrilla marketing, innovative advertising approach, strong branding, and word-of-mouth marketing to achieve and maintain its dominant position in the energy drink market in Brazil and worldwide.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Maison Program of Pernod Ricard

Luiz Pagano at Pernod Ricard in Paris - ft business press

The goal of most corporate strategies is to build a real and lasting competitive advantage by enhancing the quality of customer service.

Maison Program in Canada. ft John Ormston 

In this spirit, the Maison Program emerges as an innovative initiative by Pernod Ricard, representing an approach to improving customer service quality in the bartender community. Aligned with the corporate strategies of building a lasting competitive advantage, Pernod Ricard created the Maison Program as an educational journey to enhance the skills of professionals in bars, restaurants, and mixology, with a focus on customer service.

Luiz Pagano and other contributors to the Maison Program - Paris, July 2013 - ft business press

The innovative partnership between Pernod Ricard and École Hôtelière de Lausanne took its first steps in November 2012 but was officially announced on November 19, 2013. It was marked by the signing of a partnership agreement with the aim of providing excellence in teaching and professional training, gaining recognition in global customer service. The collaboration between Pernod Ricard and École Hôtelière de Lausanne had existed since 2008 when they jointly participated in the "Responsible Party," a consumption program developed by students and later expanded to a European level.

The course to educators consisted of 11 modules, covering categories such as whiskey, gin, scotch, vodka, cognac, champagne, rum, customer service, and Bartender Theater. It concludes with a substantial diploma.

Targeting both novice and experienced bartenders looking to enhance their skills, the program was made available in various countries, including Canada, Australia, Colombia, Hong Kong, Germany, Finland, South Africa, and Gulf countries. Plans for expansion include Switzerland, Austria, Brazil, and France.

As part of the Pernod Ricard brand education team in Brazil, I had the privilege of participating in the first group of educators.

The program's significant strength undoubtedly lies in its partnership with École Hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL), an institution with a prestigious history dating back to 1893, adding an exceptional dimension to the training and reinforcing Pernod Ricard's commitment to excellence.

Pernod Ricard has its own university, a global training function throughout the company for all aspects of personnel development.

During my participation in the educator training at the Pernod Ricard University at the company's headquarters in Paris in July 2013, I was inspired by the lectures of two prominent mentors: Will Pitcforth, Global Maison Coordinator, and Eric Fossard, Global Maison Trainer, whose practical experience and profound insights enhanced my understanding of brands on an equally important scale, despite being a Pernod Ricard employee.

Luiz Pagano in Paris, July 2013 - ft business press

The Maison Program aimed to have an independent perspective on beverage choices, whether from Pernod Ricard, Diageo, or another competitor, focusing on the real benefits of beverages and ignoring marketing guidelines from their respective companies.

This unprecedented approach was supported by a strategic collaboration with École hôtelière de Lausanne, whose Educational Director, Isabelle Martin, played a vital role in the partnership and accreditation.

Furthermore, the innovative iPad technology, developed by the London-based agency Contagious, brought an interactive and dynamic dimension to learning, reflecting the Maison Program's commitment to technological advancements. Educators trained at the Pernod Ricard University distributed iPads in their home country classrooms, controlled by them, unlocking and locking access as the class progressed. This dynamic approach was complemented by comparative tastings and clarification sessions.

Each educator and their local country had approved content translated and ready for use, featuring state-of-the-art graphics allowing the visualization and rotation of over 1000 bottles, reading labels and back labels, in five initial languages, with the expectation of adding more.

Luiz Pagano at the Pernod Ricard offices in Paris, August/July 2013 - ft business press

When the program was still in its pilot format, brand educator Ben Davidson, Brand Education Manager in Australia, conducted 64 Maison training sessions in Australia in 2013, conducting initial tests and demonstrating the global reach of this program.

The Maison Program went far beyond being a simple training course, representing a significant milestone in the global training of beverage professionals. 

Monday, September 18, 2023

Ancient Tupi as a 'Cultural Code' to Introduce CAUIM to the Market A Brazilian Spiritual Journey

Tupi Antigo works as the right 'Cultural Code' to present and represent Cauim to the Brazilian market, transmitting the entire essence of Brazil from our ancestral peoples, in addition to adding an entire product acceptance strategy worthy of great and inspiring marketing geniuses. acculturation, which we will see below.

There are cases related to marketing and alcoholic beverages that stand out as true feats of visionary masters such as Clotaire Rapaille, with his innovative approach to 'Cultural Codes', and Sydney Frank, the genius behind iconic brands such as Gray Goose and the Jägermeister.

Without wanting to be pretentious, I have a challenge of great proportions and I would love to be supported by these geniuses to introduce Cauim to the world, an alcohoic beverage like that, as sake for Shintoism, it represents all of Brazilian spirituality and its cultural treasure.

The Challenge of Product Acculturation by Clotaire Rapaille

Clotaire Rapaille and Sydney Frank are known for understanding the psychology behind consumption and the importance of unraveling the "cultural codes" that shape consumer preferences.

Rapaille, a renowned marketing guru, offers an intriguing perspective on cerebral complexity, dividing it into three distinct parts: the Cortex, the Limbic, and the Reptilian. In the context of the provided political example, this theory sheds light on how political decisions can be shaped.

Repitilian brain always wins

In general, we can summarize this situation by saying that our brain is divided into three large groups: the reptilian brain where the main decisions are made; the limbic system responsible for emotions, heartbeat and autonomous functions of the body, where the generation of doubts can function as a possible agent of inference and changes in decisions made by the reptilian brain; and finally, the cerebral cortex, which is the rational and strategic part of our brain.

The Cortex, representing the seat of logic and reason, is often associated with the human ability to argue and justify choices. However, Rapaille argues that the real decision-making power lies in the Reptilian brain, located beneath the Cortex and accessible only through the subconscious. According to his theory, this component houses primitive instincts linked to survival and reproduction, serving as the driving force behind fundamental choices.

Applying this theory to the political scenario, the decision to adopt a left or right position is seen as an instinctive response of the Reptilian brain. This choice is driven by a range of factors, including deep-seated values, social identity, and fundamental belonging needs. At this stage, the Cortex comes into play to articulate and rationally justify these choices, creating arguments and narratives that underpin the adopted political positions.

Just as an alligator uses its teeth as defense tools, the Reptilian brain, in Rapaille's view, the man uses his Cortex as the intellectual defense mechanism, providing rational justification for instinctive decisions.

This intricate interplay between deep instincts and rationalization highlights the underlying influence of the Reptilian brain in shaping political opinions. Ultimately, Rapaille's theory suggests that understanding and recognizing the interaction among these three brains can offer valuable insights into political decision-making and, by extension, human behavior in general.

Rapaille, challenged traditions by introducing coffee candies to the Japanese market, helping to create a coffee drinking culture in the country.

Nestlé's Remarkable Journey: How Clotaire Rapaille Transformed Japanese Tea Culture into Coffee Lovers

In the late 1970s, Japan was a nation of tea enthusiasts, traditional tea culture was deeply rooted in Japanese society, and coffee was a foreign concept. However, global food and beverage giant Nestlé saw an opportunity in this tea-dominated market and was determined to introduce coffee to the Japanese.

Japan's transformation into a major coffee consumer may seem like an overnight success, but it was far from it - changing the marketing of the coffee industry took 50 years of a pure and well-conceived acculturation process. Nestlé faced a considerable challenge: how to get the Japanese to embrace coffee when their hearts and taste buds were loyal to tea. 

Clotaire Rapaille

Enter Clotaire Rapaille, a marketing consultant with a unique perspective on consumer behavior, Rapaille, originally a child psychiatrist, had a deep understanding of human behavior, he believed that much of our decision making is influenced by our unconscious minds and intuitive - what he referred to as the "reptilian brain". This part of our brain works on instinct, often hidden beneath our conscious thoughts.

When Rapaille arrived on the scene, he quickly realized a fundamental problem: Japanese children grew up watching their parents drink tea, leaving them with minimal exposure to coffee. As a result, his preference naturally leaned toward tea.

Rapaille's solution was ingenious, he advised Nestlé to produce coffee-flavored sweets, a sweet that would allow Japanese children to experience the taste of coffee in a familiar way, this strategy aimed to create a positive association with the taste of coffee from an early age. age, nurturing a future generation of coffee lovers.

The plan worked remarkably well. Kids who liked sweet coffee eventually transitioned to sugary coffee-flavored drinks and, later, to cappuccinos and lattes. Before anyone knew it, Japan was in the midst of a coffee revolution, with people of all ages drinking large mugs of hot coffee.

Today, after Nestlé accepted Rapaille's vision, the Japanese coffee market looks like this: “Japan imported almost 500,000 tons of coffee in 2020, valued at US$1.18 billion, making it the 7th largest coffee importer worldwide, accounting for 3.8% of all coffee imports. ”

Sidney Frank: The Psychological Marketing Master Behind Gray Goose

In 1997, a true marketing genius, Sidney Frank, began an incredible journey by transforming a brand that started with insignificant sales, reaching an astonishing value of US$2 billion in an all-cash deal with Bacardi - all of it happened in just 8 years.

Sidney Frank's story may not be well known, but you've certainly heard of his products, such as Jägermeister and Corazon Tequila.

Frank was born in 1919 and grew up as the son of a farmer in Connecticut, living a modest life. He managed to enter Brown University, but had to abandon his studies due to lack of financial resources.

Fate led him to marry a wealthy woman whose father owned a prosperous liquor business, it was there that Frank had the opportunity to learn the nuances of the liquor trade. In the end, he left the family business to go his own way with his beverage company. Success was not immediate, and Frank almost went bankrupt several times.

The turning point came when he discovered German immigrants enjoying a licorice-flavored drink called Jägermeister, which until then had been a niche after-dinner choice. Jägermeister became a favorite among partying college students, and the rest, as they say, is history.

However, Sidney Frank had greater ambitions. In the 1990s, drinking trends in the United States were changing, with people seeking fancier cocktails instead of beer. and he started the Submarinos drink trend, in which doses of Jägermeister dipped into glasses and gave new magic and ritual to the world of cocktails.

It was then that Frank decided that his next big venture would be to create a luxury vodka, at the time, the most elegant vodka on the market was Absolut, known for its iconic bottle and advertising, Absolut was expensive, costing between US$15 and 17 per bottle, a price considered exorbitant.

Frank understood the psychological power behind pricing, rather than compete directly with Absolut, he decided to adopt a Veblen approach, in which the more expensive the product, the greater the perception of quality.

The so-called 'Veblen goods' have this name because they take into account the theory of the American economist Thorstein Veblen, who first identified conspicuous consumption as a mode of seeking status, the Veblen Approach consists of valuing luxury items that connote status in society , such as cars, yachts, fine wines, celebrity-endorsed perfumes and designer jewelry.

Frank knew that the way people value products is not objective; it depends on contexts and how these contexts make them feel, in addition, he was based on the effect that price has on the perception of quality.

Sidney Frank

So instead of reducing the price of Gray Goose vodka, he increased it considerably, charging a whopping $30 per bottle - this strategy worked wonderfully due to two fundamental psychological principles:

Irrational Value Assessment: People do not assign an objective value to products; instead, they determine price based on contextual cues and how those cues make them feel;

Price-Quality Effect: For certain types of products, people often associate a more expensive product with higher quality compared to cheaper products;

However, Sidney Frank knew that simply increasing the price was not enough to guarantee success, he needed an interesting and unique product narrative that highlighted the Gray Goose brand and made it synonymous with luxury and sophistication - two characteristics that vodka didn't have it at the time.

To do this, Frank gathered his team at his company's headquarters and sent them to a country famous for its luxury and sophistication: France. France, however, had no tradition of vodka production.

Instead, Frank's team met with cognac distillers, who were experiencing a downturn in business, and they agreed to move their stills to create the world's first French vodka.

In this way, Sidney Frank was able to create a product, set a price, choose a name and develop a psychologically grounded strategy that transformed Gray Goose into one of the fastest growing and most successful spirits brands of all time.

Laura Ries - The Category is Created by the Consumer and the Media, not the Owner of the Company

Laura Ries, specialist in branding and marketing strategy, author of “Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind” and “Marketing War” in the 80s and “The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing” and “Focus: Your Company’s Future Depends of that” (my favorite) in the 90s.

Ries highlights the importance of understanding that it is not the creator or the company that determines the name of the category, this legitimacy and validation can only come from the consumer public and the media.
Laura and All Ries

Therefore, Luiz Pagano's work in presenting Cauim Tiakau at public opinion-forming events is fundamental, as he is creating the foundations for the Cauim beverage category to be recognized and accepted by the market and the public.

Laura Ries would emphasize that this strategy of gradual acculturation and market education is essential for the success of the new product category.

Other points that Al and Laura Ries make about creating a new marketing category through the concept of "positioning." they are:

Being the first in a new category is critical: Al Ries and Jack Trout have argued that being the first in a new category of products or services is critical to marketing success. This allows a company to establish a dominant position in the minds of consumers;

Focus on a specific category: They advocate that companies should maintain a narrow focus on a category of products or services rather than expanding too much. This helps build a solid and clear brand image in the minds of consumers;

Create a “visual hammer”: In addition to words, they emphasize the importance of a “visual hammer” to reinforce the brand message. This could be a symbol or image that is strongly associated with the brand;

Avoid brand dilution: They warn against brand dilution through excessive line extensions or expansion into too many different categories. This can weaken the brand image and confuse consumers;

Direct and specific messages: They advocate the use of direct and specific messages in marketing campaigns rather than abstract words. Clear and simple messages tend to be more memorable and effective;

Overall, Al Ries and Laura Ries believe that creating a new marketing category involves pioneering, maintaining a tight focus, communicating a clear message, and using impactful visuals to build and protect the brand. His ideas have been widely influential in the field of marketing and branding.

Marketing Strategy for the Launch of the 'Cauim' category and the CAUIM TIAKAU Brand: A Journey Inspired by Sidney Frank and Clotaire Rapaille

As we embark on the exciting journey of introducing the commercial cauim category and launching the CAUIM TIAKAU brand, I am inspired by the successful experiences of these two true marketing masters. Our strategy incorporates fundamental principles that shaped their success and that will now shape the future of cauim in the market:

1. Tupi Cultural Code - Preserving the Origins
The contemporary world is in constant search of its roots and authenticity, it is in this context that regions with production villages, as well as AOCs (Appellations d'Origine Contrôlée) in France, gain prominence. I believe that cauim, a traditionally Brazilian drink, should respect and celebrate the rich Tupi cultural code, preserving its authenticity and origins. Just like French AOCs, we highlight the importance of promoting cauim as a drink with history and tradition deeply rooted in Brazilian culture.

2. Gradual Acculturation – Winning Hearts and Minds
Given that cauim involves a diversity of more than 300 Brazilian indigenous ethnicities, we understand the need for a gradual acculturation process. This strategy involves constructive debates and presentations to opinion-forming audiences, at a relatively low cost and effective, we recognize that, for cauim to be appreciated by everyone, we need to educate and gain the trust of consumers, showing that we value and respect different cultures. indigenous people involved in the production of cauim.

3. Gradual Development - Quality Above All
We understand that the development process of commercial cauim must be gradual, allowing rigorous testing and continuous refinements, with each batch since 2016, we have taken the cauim to Brazilian restaurants such as Dom, or Hotel Emiliano to be evaluated by their sommeliers and bartenders, our ours efforts will include the collaboration of these Brazilian professionals who demand high quality, where we will be able to carry out sensory tests and ensure that the final product is in fact good, with a demonstrably excellent flavor, and with a high value, to pay for all the research and development to date. . The launch of CAUIM TIAKAU will be supported by solid evidence of its superior quality and authenticity;

4. Continuous Journey
In addition to these core principles, we will continue to explore other factors crucial to the success of CAUIM TIAKAU. This includes developing marketing strategies that resonate with target audiences, strategic partnerships that expand our market presence, and a sustainable approach that respects the environment and the indigenous communities involved.

5. Involvement of Indigenous Communities
Lastly, most importantly - the fundamental aspect of our strategy for launching the cauim category is the active and collaborative involvement of 'opting' indigenous communities (it must be the village's choice to join the project), we recognize that these communities face significant challenges, With its forests and rivers suffering the impacts of white man's expansion, cauim emerges as a solution that benefits both these communities and the market in general.

Sustainable development

Cauim will not only provide a crucial source of economic income for these communities, but also embraces a sustainable development approach, working in close partnership with opting indigenous communities, to ensure that cauim production is conducted in an environmentally responsible manner, preserving local ecosystems. This not only protects natural resources, but also helps communities to recover their lands, have a scalable source of income, which will help in hiring good lawyers, consultants and other players in the modern world, strategic points in disputes such as predatory civilization, and maintain its harmonious relationship with nature.

Promotion of Culture

In addition to the economic benefits, Cauim will play a vital role in promoting and preserving the rich cultures of these "opting villages". By valuing their traditions and ancestral production methods, we will help promote and project the cultural heritage of these communities. This will include incorporating indigenous cultural elements into our marketing strategy, highlighting the importance of indigenous culture in the production of cauim.

Production Process in Ancient Tupi: Reviving the Cauim Tradition

In a country full of linguistic diversity, with more than 21 linguistic branches and 270 languages spoken, we chose to use Ancient Tupi to describe the production process for several reasons:

1- Tupi Expansion - The original groups of this ethnic group, which probably emerged in the region that is today the Xingu, expanded throughout Brazil and parts of South America. They extensively occupied the coastal strip, going from north to south, east and west, leaving a deep cultural heritage;

2- Most spoken language in Brazil until 1750 - Nheengatu and general languages were widely used until the ban by the Marquis of Pombal, it was the language of Brazil at the time.

Tupi was more widely spoken than Portuguese, raising concerns in Portugal about Brazilian colonization and the preservation of the colonizing linguistic identity;

3- Historical and Cultural Link - The commercial resurgence of cauim in the Piratininga Historical Triangle region, combined with the fact that Luiz Pagano, creator of the project, is a descendant of Tibiriçá and João Ramalho, from the village of Inhapuambuçu, makes Tupi Antigo a significant choice, the language they speak is part of our history and identity.

Therefore, I propose that, in the same way that it is done in renowned regions, such as Champagne and other AOCs around the world, where the pairing of dishes with drinks is promoted and terms such as “remuage” and “disgorgement” are learned, it should also be It is important that the "cauim" preserves its processes in Ancient Tupi.

Following this line of thought, I share the production processes of "CAUIM" in Tupi Antigo:

We can divide the cauim production process in Ancient Tupi into 6 open basic groups and one yet to be defined, called POKÕI (The 7) in Guarani:

POKÕI - The 7 Basic Cauim Production Processes

1/7 MANDIOMITYMAS-In the first phase of Cauim production, ‘Manivas’ must be planted, cut pieces of the stem measuring approximately 10 cm in ‘Mandiomitymas’, sections interspersed in the forest through the agroforestry system. As for the raw material, in the case of the Japanese method we use cassava pearls, ‘Itatinga Beiju’ and in the enzymatic process, cassava starch ‘Manikuera’;

2/7 MBEÎU APÓ- comes down to all the ways to obtain a solid source of cassava for producing Cauim, preparing flour, separating gum and tucupi, etc.

The gum 'Minga'u-Pomonga' and the acid broth, 'Tucupi', are separated using a Tipiti, and the flour, 'Mbeîu apó', is produced. As we saw previously, sweet cassava starch only goes through the drying and grinding processes, while sour ‘Karimã Ku’i’ cassava starch goes through a fermentation process before being ground. In general, the cassava flour used to make ‘Mbeîu’ beiju is ‘Tipirati’;

The obtained flour can be pounded 'Apasok', and just as tapioca is made, beiju "Mbeîu apó" is made. By spreading the 'U'i' flour in the frying pan, the U'i is placed in a A 'Ygassaba ', heated in an oven called 'Tapyaba', and the 'Kunhã-Muku', women who produce and serve Cauim (Kaûĩapó-sara) spread it and turn it over with a 'Pia'sawa';

3/7 - SABẼ MBEÎ MOE'Ẽ (or simply MOE'Ẽ) - Literally, 'the spore makes the beiju tasty', 'and in this phase the breakdown of starch into sugars is carried out, in an enzymatic process, in the ancestral method, the Kaûĩ apó-sara used salivary amylase for this purpose, chewing and spitting out the cassava 'Aîpi o- su'u su'u I nomu'
In the Japanese method, the koji spores are spread over the Itaitinga Beiju and, in the case of the enzymatic method, the starch is completely dissolved in the hot water 'T-y-pûera mopupu ra–sara';

4/6 - HAGUINO- Alcoholic Fermentation, (the word haguino - comes from ygynõ – staleness, musty smell, unpleasant smell - "Mbeîu, tygynõ ndibé Kaûi-namo s-ekóû", lit. the kiss with mold, like cauim becomes 'turns into cauim').

In this fourth phase of Cauim production, when the starches that have already been broken down into sugars (Sabẽ mbeîu moe'ẽ, literally 'the spores make the beiju sápido - sweet'), 'Haguino*' alcoholic fermentation begins, in a process called multiple parallel fermentation – at the same time that enzymes continue to decompose starch into sugars, these sugars are transformed into alcohol, in a process that lasts an average of 16 days;

5/7 - MBOARURU & KÛARA - Literally filtration and clarification. As for filtration, in the Japanese method, is done by pressing in cotton bags, just like sake, while in the enzymatic method, where hydration was very well done, there is just a simple passage through the mesh. In both processes, it is recommended to go through the clarification process, which in our case is done with sodium betonite clay and takes an average of 40 days;

6/7 – MONDYKABA - The conclusion, the final destination of the processes, this is where pasteurization, bottling, etc. come into play. In this sixth and final phase of Cauim production, the drink is ready, as it has already undergone alcoholic fermentation in vats (KAUBA), through filtration (Mbeîu mogûaba)

Basically, bottling (Ybyraygá pupé) and pasteurization are carried out, Pasteur rupi kaûĩ rerekó, literally, "treating the cauim according to Pasteur".

As in the Japanese method there is a porridge, two different types of drink can be made, Katu (raw Cauim) and Poquya (filtered Cauim).

In the enzymatic method, the hydration was done so well that the porridge almost disappeared, but it is still important to carry out filtration and clarification, which in the case of Cauim Tiakau is decanted with sodium betonite clay, in a process that can take more than 40 days.

7/7 -T'ÎAKA'UNE - o serviço do cauim (lit. Vamos beber) 

A sétima etapa (pokõí em Guarani) não foi incluída no texto por todavia não existir, sua forma de consumo ainda não foi descoberta e divulgada pelo público consumidor.

Por ser uma bebida ainda em seus primórdios, ainda temos muito que aprender sobre sua melhor forma de consumo, ou seja, o público consumidor que descobrirá as melhores formas de consumo da bebida, qual a melhor combinação de Cauim para drinks, harmonizações com pratos, copos, etc.  Esta é talvez a melhor experiência que você pode ter com Cauim nos momentos que estão por vir.


Luiz Pagano presenting Cauim Tiakau at the 'Encontro Selvagem' event, held at Cervejaria Tarantino in São Paulo to present Cauim and Manipueras (wild fermentation and manioc beers)

Based on the inspiring marketing strategies of the brilliant minds of Rapaille and Frank, I designed a strategy for the creation of the Cauim commercial category and the launch of the CAUIM TIAKAU brand in which the spiritual and cultural challenge brings to light not only an ancestral drink, but also a piece of the Brazilian soul. Just as sake is to Shintoism, Cauim represents an important part of our spirituality and cultural heritage.

I sincerely hope that, through this venture, we can rescue and value the traditions of Brazil as a whole, while building a future of prosperity and unity. Let us toast not only to Cauim, but also to understanding and respect for the different cultures that enrich our country.

T’ereîkokatu – may we all be well (in Old Tupi)!

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